Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reliving the Past

Our Neighbors. After a year and a half, we were able to get The Anzalones (minus one) to brave the straight-as-arrow drive and visit US. Man, have we missed them! Although, I believe the first words from Liz weren't "Hi, how you doing?" or "MY GOD WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH", I believe they were not far from, "When you said BIG CROSS, you REALLY MEANT .. BIG CROSS."

We played tour guide-- or rather *I* played tour guide, Liz played mostly interested tourist and the kids played the part of kids being drug around small towns being made to look at things they really did not care about. Tropical Sno was even closed.

Effingham weather didn't disappoint either. About the same time Liz lowered the lid on the grill, a typical storm blew up. Touch and go, not quite sure if it was going to make it here or go around. This time there was no going around and we got to show off Mother Nature -- Effingham Style. Some of the highest winds recorded all summer. We watched the lake rise and fall 9-10" and discussed "Seeking cover". Instead, the kids played Wii and Liz and I had a chance to catch up on gossip.

Traditions -- with a Twist

Swimming and Tie Dye had become a summer tradition for us and this was something that I wanted to continue. I thought it might help the kids stay in touch with what they had. The Tie Dye was toned down a bit and they used squeeze bottles to draw colorful designs on their shirts. But now .... swimming. That took on a brand new dimension. Gone was the safe, clean, clear chlorinated pool. Replacing it was the brown, cat-fish laden lake. With a paddle boat. With a dock.With a slide. The A-Kids were used to lake swimming at their Grandma and Grandpa's house, but here was a new adventure, new lake and a slide with water.

Just not enough time. Already looking forward to next year.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

LOVE These Things

Our (MY) not-so-guilty pleasure of the summer: Tropical Sno. Love these snow-cones-from-a-shed. A dollar buys a plastic cup of heaping goodness. Over the top of the cup heaping. Goodness. N's favorite is a blackcherry grape mix. Sometimes, just an old school simple grape, which is normally the Dad in the Fam's go-to flave. Kyd usually looks forward for the strawberry lemonade. If there's a complaint about these, it's that they are hard to eat and drive at the same time. The car. We're driving the car. Not the snocone.